Pokémon Ghostly Poop Brown

I used to like Pokémon, but not anymore. It started exactly months 3 weeks 2 days 8 hours 38 minutes 15 seconds ago. I was on TrollBay. A site that sells old and new games. Something caught my eye, "Pokémon Ghostly Poop Brown" for $0.05 + shipping. I quickly bought it like "What can POSSIBLY go wrong?" and I waited 3 days. I got it in and put it in my Game-Boy with suspicious infinite battery power. I noticed that every sprite on the title was replaced with Generic Missingno and Ghost sprites. Including the Trainer. I named myself "Banana" and my rival "Stupid." I noticed that Professer Oak was renamed "Professer Tree" and he was depressed. I shrugged it off. I noticed the starters were the Johto ones although we were in Kanto. I got Chikorita and didn't name it. I went on and I noticed I had the phone shit from Second Gen. I already had 3 contacts, Mom, and Professer Tree and one that hasn't been there before; "URSTOOPID." I realised after 2 minutes that it was YouTube for "You are stupid." I was scared. I fought Joey. I saved before the battle and the game crashed with a loud screech and the words "MY RAT THING WILL KILL YOU!" in the battle box. I re-loaded the save and what I saw was so horrifying that I had to put it down and go take a shower to prevent myself from screaming. I was dirty anyway so why not. I got back all fresh and new and continued playing. What I saw was Joey on the ground dead with his Rattata soaked in blood next to his corpse. It walked to me slowly. All of a sudden I had a gun. I shot it and it died. Everybody threw me a parade. But then, I heard a notification on my xbox. "I_AM_A_MURDERER_YOU_WILL_DIE_IF_YOU_ADD_ME wants to be your friend." I said "Oh boy! A new friend!" not thinking it was strange. I went to bed. Next day my neighor Joe was murdered. There was blood on the walls saying "FUCK YOU TRICKED ME XBOX_PERSON_GUY! I WILL GET YOU!" I noticed the adress on my profile was input wrong and it was Joe's adress. I removed ALL personal info off all my account. Including my SSI that for some stupid fucking reason I left publicily on my profile. I got back on my Game-Boy. I saw a gun next to it. All of a sudden a rabid Rattata and a rabid Youngster Joey. I killed them both and the police noticed they had a mutated version of Rabies like from the movie Quarintine and Quarintine 2: Terminal. I was then declared as a town hero. The game then vanished and my 5 cents was back in my Paypal account the next day. I have no idea how but I'm glad it's over.
Update: 1 minute after writing the shit above.
It's not over. How did I not see it coming? My balance is still in my account (Yay!) but the gun and game is back. It now has Hyper-Realistic-Realistic-Hyper Blood everywhere on the map. Then I turned it off. I'll k
Update: 2 weeks after writing the shit above.
I sold the game on Troll-Bay for $300,000,000. The buyer said "I heard this game is creepy and makes you shoot a rabid Pokémon and trainer in real life. I'll take it for $300,000,000. $300,00,387 to be exact for shipping."
Update: 2 months after writing the last update, this is also the last update.
The buyer died. It's back up for $4328 + shipping from his roomate named "I am a murderer who kills my roomates. Looking for a roomate." Just letting all TrollBay.shit.avi users know to NOT BUY IT.